Past events
Check out all of our past events from the semester, as well as any relevant Zoom recordings and Powerpoint presentations from these events!

Exam FM Workshop
Join us for an Exam FM workshop to learn more about the exam and get advice on how to approach exam questions!

Exam P Workshop
Join us for an Exam P workshop to learn more about the exam and get advice on how to approach exam questions!

Actuarial Case Competition
Join us for a mock actuarial case competition to solve real-world challenges, sharpen your skills, and gain hands-on experience in a collaborative and dynamic environment!

Intro to Exams + Coaching Actuaries
Join us to learn more about the different actuarial exams and how to use Coaching Actuaries to study for them!

Mentorship Speed Dating
Join us for our mentorship speed dating event to get to know our upperclassmen peer mentors!

Welcome to the Actuarial Society: What is Actuarial Science?
Join us to learn more about our club events and the field of actuarial science!

ActSoc End of Semester Social
Join us for a laid-back and fun social gathering this Wednesday. Shake off the lows, and make some unforgettable memories as we say goodbye to the fall semester! 🥳

SQL Workshop
Learn the basics of SQL! Join us to explore essential coding skills for data analysis in actuarial science.

Excel Workshop
Boost your Excel skills! Join us in UC-19 for a hands-on workshop to learn essential Excel techniques for actuarial science and beyond.

Course Registration Advising with Professor Tenenbein
With course registration opening soon, it’s good to be aware of all the awesome classes Stern offers. Join us on Wednesday in LC 25 with Professor Tenenbein, where he will go over the actuarial science concentration and the many classes that can help you complete it!

Wellness Week Event with SAS
Come join us for a relaxing session with ActSoc and SAS members. We will be socializing and de-stressing. All students are welcome to come.

Upperclassmen Panel
Meet our upperclassmen peer mentors for professional and career advice for various industries and academic advice. Ask any other questions you might have!

CA Coach Talk
Join us for expert tips on passing actuarial exams from Coaching Actuaries' leaders, Dave Kester and Tong Khon Teh. Learn how to master challenging concepts and boost your exam success!

Intro to Exams / CA Tutorial
Curious about how to best study for the challenging actuarial exams? Join us on Wednesday to learn more about them, as well as how you can prepare for them using Coaching Actuaries!

Cigna Info Session
Join us this Wednesday for an information session on Cigna. Cigna is looking to recruit students, and this is a great opportunity to network and learn more about the roles available. We hope to see you there.

MetLife Info Session
MetLife, one of the largest providers of insurance worldwide, will be visiting us this Wednesday. Come learn about their Actuarial Development Program and internship opportunities. Don’t miss this chance to connect with representatives!

Actuarial Career Summit
Join us this Friday for the Actuarial Career Summit, our annual career fair! Meet representatives from leading insurance companies. There’ll be a Q&A panel and many opportunities for networking, so you won’t want to miss this!

Intro to Networking & Resume
Curious about how to make your resume stand out in a pile of applications? Want to make a good impression on recruiters during networking? Join ActSoc this Wednesday for our networking and resume workshop!

Mentorship Speed Dating
Meet our upperclassmen peer mentors and find your match at this Wednesday’s mentorship speed dating event. Our mentors offer professional and career advice for various industries, and are happy to answer any other questions you might have! We hope to see you there!

End of Semester Social
Join us for a fun social gathering this Wednesday. Shake off the lows, and make some unforgettable memories as we say goodbye to the spring semester!

Upperclassmen Panel
Meet our upperclassmen peer mentors this Wednesday for professional and career advice for a variety of industries and academic advice. Ask any other questions you might have!

Alumni Mingle
Friday is our annual Alumni Mingle, where we will be joined by alumni from companies like Liberty Mutual, AXIS Capital, Gallagher Re, MetLife, Munich Re, Segal Consulting, etc. This is a perfect opportunity to network with companies you see yourself in the future, and to learn more about a variety of different careers. All students are welcome to join!

New York Life Company Info Session
Join us on Wednesday for an information session with New York Life. NYL is a mutual insurer that offers life insurance and other financial products and services. NYL is looking to recruit students and this is a great opportunity to network and learn more about the roles available. We hope to see you there!

Wellness Week Event
Join us this Wellness Week for an opportunity to wind down after the stress of exams and deadlines! We will have food, card games, and other activities. Everyone is welcome to join!

Course Registration with Prof Tenenbein
With course registration opening up soon, it’s good to be aware of all the awesome classes Stern has to offer. Join us on Wednesday with Professor Tenebein, where he will go over the actuarial science concentration and the many classes that can help you complete it!

Deloitte Coffee Chats
Sophomores & Juniors join us for a coffee chat this Friday, where you will have the opportunity to meet with a Deloitte Actuarial practitioner to discuss all things Consulting!

Come join us for a relaxing session with ActSoc members. We will be playing Jeopardy. Come and get points by guessing trivia! All students are welcome to come.

Midterms & Chill
Come join us for a relaxing session with ActSoc members. We will be socializing and de-stressing. All students are welcome to come!